Nama : Eva Maria Sitorus Softskil 2
Npm : 12211519
Kelas : 4EA04
Surefire strategy to out of the
Undergoing a business is not an
easy job. There will always be obstacles and barriers that are ready to test in
front of us. If we are not prepared to risk, our business will go bankrupt. The
common obstacle faced by entrepreneurs comes from various factors such as
external factors and internal factors. External factors are factor which come
from outside such as the state of the domestic political, economic and social
of our country while the internal factors are factor which come from inside
such as the ineffectiveness of marketing, lack of capital, and human resources
that are not qualified. These factors can make our business destroyed. Then how
do we emerge from the crisis in our business? The following is strategy that
can be used when we are on the verge of bankruptcy.Pressing expenditure
When your business is in
trouble, cut you expenditure that is not too important. The existing funds is
better to be used for saving your business such as expanding marketing network
and improve marketing and product. This is done to optimize the available funds
in order to continue your businessAlthough you’re having trouble in business,
keep innovating by creating new strategies in running your business. If the
product has started to lose its customers, make innovation or new variants on
your product such as innovating in new flavors, new packaging and others.
Creating a new marketing strategy is also important to do so that your product
will always be remembered by your customers. If you have a problem in getting
capital, finding business partners will greatly help your business. Look for
business partners or investors who want to invest in your business. Make a
clear agreement about the investment you have to offer so that prospective
business partners will invest their money.